24 November 2008


so, i am still home and out of work until tomorrow. J and i are working on getting my stamina back up so i won't DIE when i go back to work. yesterday i actually got dressed, put shoes on AND left the house. it was a miracle.
so today, i have a few things to do so that i will be able to walk the length of the unit when i get there.
recovering from being in the hospital is like a full time job. it's insane.
but on a lighter note, i feel better. no more pain. no more constant uncomfortable-ness. i am just tired, worn out, and my lips are slowly returning to their pre-allergic reaction state. finally.
so, things are looking up.

22 November 2008

home, sweet home.

i am home.
i am exhausted.
absolutely, utterly exhausted.

they told me that the fibroid in my uterus is causing me this incredible amount of pain as it has outgrown it's blood supply and is spasming (or dying?).
i think it's a bullshit answer because they can't figure out what is wrong. so, after being in the hospital for 4 days, i am home. and now i am having an allergic reaction to something. my lips are all swollen and it looks like someone punched me in the face. bizzare.

i'm going to eat dinner.
for all the NPs out there....does that sound right????

18 November 2008

hartford hospital

here is a very quick update:

during the housewarmng party, i was admitted to the hospital because my OB thought i was having contractions. as it turns out, i wasn't and was discharged that night. i missed the whole party. :(

i was admitted to hartford hospital yesterday morning in excrutiating pain to rule out appendecitis vs. bowel perforation vs anything else as equally traumatic.
i am still there, and am probably staying the night again. i am in tons of pain and am on loads of drugs, thank god.

the baby is fine though. no worries about her.

ok. i need to go sleep off this dilaudid.

13 November 2008


it's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

i totally knew it!!!!!!!!

also, justin fiiiiinally got to feel the nugget move in my belly!!

exclamation points all around!!!

today is a good day. :)

i'm exhausted from all the excitement!!

ok. bye.

p.s. we are keeping the name a secret. :) so you will have to wait!

12 November 2008


we find out the gender of the nugget today at 4:00!!!!! :) we can't wait!!!!

then we get to pick our name!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

and design the nursery! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

and, most importantly, we get to see if the baby has all 4 of its heart chambers. lol. :)

stay tuned!

06 November 2008

whose body is this anyway?

i am going to pat myself on the back.
i have done an excellent job of getting myself healthy. i've worked very hard to get where i am physically, and more importantly, where i am emotionally. i have learned more in the past three years about nutrition, health, and weight loss than anyone i know.
for the first time in my life, i feel healthy.
i know that i can and will do better. i still have more to learn, and i am still working on it.


why is it that the moment people find out you are having a baby, your body isn't your own anymore?
why do people feel the need to tell me that i am eating too little, or too much, or not the right foods? or that i'm not exercising enough?
why do people criticize my prenatal vitamins, or try to tell me that my doctors are wrong about the way they are managing my care?

who are you? who are you to tell me what is best for me? who are you to decide how many grams of protein i need a day, when you don't even know how many grams of protein YOU need? who are you to decide what types of patients i should or shouldn't take at work?

what it is about being pregnant that makes people suddenly put in their unwanted two cents?

i'm pretty sure i'm an educated gal, and am doing a fine job of growing this little babe. don't worry about me.

i just don't get it.

05 November 2008

a new president

i am happy.

but i don't like to talk politics. i don't believe i should talk excessively of things i know little about.

but i am happy.

and am excited for january.

02 November 2008

A Home is the Perfect Nest!

Attention please.....

Come celebrate our new home and growing baby!

Who: you! (unless i don't know you, then please don't show up)
When: Saturday, November 15, 2008 3pm for family, 7pm for friends. :)

No gifts. :) but if you wanted to bring something to munch, be my guest!

p.s. blog stalkers are invited too. :) bring JB.