so, in true amber fashion, i have been terrible at posting pictures. so i decided to make it up to you in one shot. here is our ultrasound catalog. :) this first one is very early (5 weeks)....more lizard like than human.
getting bigger! here is our 11 week....
we got this one taken at the hospital at 20 weeks...she is looking more like a baby now! look at that big noggin!
look at how pretty she is!!!! this one is from today at 26.5 weeks. :)
in true girly fashion, she got tired of us poking around today and turned her back to us and went to bed. :)
i can't believe i am making this little chickadee. she is so cute already! and she has been bouncing around all day as if to say "mommy! i'm so excited you get to see me today!"
Well, we decided that we would put off nursery/baby stuff until after the holidays were over. So, with christmas vanishing in the rearview mirror and new years on the horizon, let the "nesting" begin.
If you had told me a month ago about this "nesting" phenomenon, i would have just brushed it off and forgotten about it, as i seem to forget about basically everything these days. But, girlfriends, let me just tell is the most bizzare feeling.... now, when we moved into our new house, i got that itch that women get....the one that makes us beautify our homes, organize, personalize our spaces....
but this is just. so. different.
this nesting business feels more like an undeniable gravitational pull....a pure biological NEED to get things done and ready for baby. it is all you can focus on, all you can think about. i know it is still so early, i am only 27 weeks pregnant (6 months...going on 7) and i realize that i have plenty of time before the nugget's arrival, but logic isn't really applicable when this feeling sets in. you just have to go with the flow and get things done....or go insane.
so, on sunday, J and my father in law painted the nursery a lovely shade of light blue (much like the color behind the tree decals above) while i went shopping and bought a dresser for the baby. this week, the nursery furniture will be delivered, and i ordered most of silly little decorations for the baby's room.
we are excited, and i can finally relax a little bit....well...maybe after the furniture comes. :)
the pics above are some little snippets of my nursery "theme" and things i bought...
22 December 2008
One more, just because it's such a cute picture. :)
My belly has officially popped, so i thought i would update you on my recent belly pictures. :) they are a little blurry, but we will take some more on christmas. Look at how damn cute i am! i can't get over it. :)
yesterday marked our 1 year wedding anniversary, and i can hardly believe that it has been a year since our family and friends gathered to share in a day that took years to plan and ended far too quickly. so, in true anniversary fashion, we went out for a special dinner at Peppercorn's Grill in Hartford. we spent two and a half hours enjoying a deliciously decadent dinner, and being all cutesy and romantic. then home to cuddle and look through our wedding albums and remember the day.
i know i could never say it enough, but i am so blessed. there are hardly words for the amount of love i have for this boy, and it grows by the day. my life is better with him in it, and he has made me a better person just for knowing him. i am so fortunate to be going through these good times and these bad times with him, and i can't wait to see what kind of father he will be, and what kind of mother he will challenge me to become. he is the cheese to my macaroni. :)