30 December 2008

when last we left her....

so, in true amber fashion, i have been terrible at posting pictures. so i decided to make it up to you in one shot. here is our ultrasound catalog. :) this first one is very early (5 weeks)....more lizard like than human.

getting bigger! here is our 11 week....

we got this one taken at the hospital at 20 weeks...she is looking more like a baby now! look at that big noggin!

look at how pretty she is!!!! this one is from today at 26.5 weeks. :)

in true girly fashion, she got tired of us poking around today and turned her back to us and went to bed. :)

i can't believe i am making this little chickadee. she is so cute already! and she has been bouncing around all day as if to say "mommy! i'm so excited you get to see me today!"
aaah!!! i'm going to be a mommy very soon! :)


  1. ok so I will say what everyone else is too afraid to say...Thank GOD she does NOT have dad's nose...or your ears!!!!

  2. i dunno.....dad texted me and told me she looks like him. i told him to start saving up for a nose job for her. he laughed. but i was serious. ;)

    and hey. i like my ears.
