26 February 2009

maternity shoot and our first temper tantrum...

we had our maternity shoot today, and i can already tell that it is going to be AMAZING! it was an "urban shoot" in downtown hartford. She chose a pretty little parking lot where Justin first kissed me, and we braved the cold air for over an hour to get some great shots! my photographer is going to post a favorite pic to her blog in the next two days, just in time for me to print it out and bring it to the shower! I CAN'T WAIT to see them!!! just by studying her blog and work, i could totally invision what she was going for- i just CAN'T WAIT!!!!

i plan to post here, but here is her amazing website.



also, i would just like to say that Avonlea had her first temper tantrum in the womb today. that's right. i just said that.
well, as i said before, she is tranverse breech, and while i was trying to take a nap, she was attempting to flip herself over. no easy feat, i'm sure. but regardless, she got herself flipped so that she was laying horizontally across my belly with her face and feet up towards my head, which i thought would be infinitely more comfortable than with her feet resting on my cervix. well.....while i was driving down to see a friend, she got her arm stuck under my left rib cage. and every time she would try to pull it out and couldn't, she would kick and stomp her feet into my belly. it was obnoxious and painful and i eventually had to pull over to do some make-shift yoga positions in the car to get her free, which finally worked.
i consider this her very first temper tantrum. she is a fiesty one! just like her daddy;)

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