17 June 2009

ALTE anyone?

So, our "Meet Avonlea" picnic was cancelled last saturday, not due to rain as I had predicted the reason to be, but rather because Avonlea got admitted to the hospital friday night. :(

To make a long story short, she had an ALTE, aka an Acute Life Threatening Event on Friday afternoon while I was visiting with my friend Amy and the girls. She went grey, limp, and lethargic, and was breathing "funny". The event lasted about 40 minutes, and after a call and visit to the pediatrician shortly after, we went to the hospital for bloodwork and wound up being admitted so that she could be on a monitor overnight. It was scary and awful, and I don't even like to think about it. While we were in the hospital, everything was fine, and after numerous tests, bloodwork and assessments, she was given the clean bill of health with a great diagnoses of "we don't know why she did that- but keep a close eye on her". So, Justin and I have been doing just that, trying to take it easy and relax, and just take care of our sweet girl.

In related news, since we have been discharged from the hospital, she has started to have some reflux (aka heartburn) and I wouldnt be surprised if this was the cause of her ALTE. But nevertheless, we have been in close contact with our pediatrician and are working on stopping the reflux so she doesn't do that again. :(

We have had a rough time readjusting after that night in the hospital, mainly because we are constantly scared that she is going to have another event, and in turn have bought an Angelcare monitor that will basically alarm if she stops breathing/moving in her sleep. This has helped us to sleep knowing that she is ok. To make matters worse, Avonlea's sleep schedule got turned upside down, and we are trying desperately to get that under control before I go back to work on Wednesday. :(

Anyhooo, so that is our little update. Not a good one, but one nonetheless.
We are very thankful for everyone's support in this scary time, especially to our parents, my sister, and of course Amy- who has been a bright beacon in this mommyhood madness. So, thank you. :)

I appologize for cancelling the picnic, I am hoping to reschedule it soon, and will of course, keep you all updated on our sweet babe.


  1. OMG How scary! I'm so relieved to hear that everything is ok. I'm sure you're a nervous wreck but at least with the monitor you can have some peace of mind. I'm sure she'll be just fine. Hang in there Mommy, sounds like you're doing a fantastic job.

    Thanks for the update.
    Love you!

  2. :) I love you guys. Don't know what we would do without you.
