29 September 2008

here, kitty kitty

do you know that warm, cozy, fuzzy body feeling that you get after you get out of a late-night hot shower or bath? i currently have that feeling every second of every day. which means that i literally feel like i am about to go to bed every second of every day. i think that i could sleep every second of every day. a few weeks ago i slept for 20.5 hours out of a 24 hour period. it is my greatest accomplishment to date.

i forgot to mention a funny story, which isn't as funny as when my sista-friend tells it. but alas...
sarah had come over to help us finish packing the night before we moved out of the apartment. i was feeling especially exhausted and lightheaded, so needless to say, she WAS doing all the packing. anyway, she dropped a toaster and it landed on my cat, and in true cartoon-ey fashion, merlin leapt up, grabbed onto sarah's leg as though he were climbing a tree, and sunk his sweet little kitty teeth into her shin. she screamed, i screamed, merlin (and the other kitties) ran and hid for the remainder of the evening. sarah carried on for hours about cat scratch fever and bloodloss, calling her friends and taking photographs for our future lawsuit. she was ridiculous. she demanded i put him down. i laughed in her face. she left with a belly full of pizza and a phone full of incriminating photographs.

anyway, come the next morning, moving day, sarah shows up with a mild fever, works through her pain, and puncture wounds and gets us settled. at 8pm that night, she finally decides to show me the bite...i don't know WHY shy waited so long to show us....but it had manifested into a fullblown cellulitus, she was febrile and sweating buckets. all i could do was laugh. anyway, trips to the MD showed that she had an infection in the bone and was started on antibiotics. she was a mess. and of course, wouldn't let me live it down, as though merlin and i had secretly planned it all out.

i think she learned her lesson.
she shouldn't drop toasters on cats.


25 September 2008

the aftermath....

Well, moving day has come and gone. i wasn't feeling well, so the boys did eeeeeverything while i sat around and told people what to do. the first few days were rough, but thankfully my mom and sister came by and helped to unpack and rearrange. i haven't unpacked my camera yet, so i have no pictures to share of the house. but hopefully i will soon.
so far things are good. it's so different coming home to a house insead of an apartment....i can't really say how....it just feels so different. like it's actually home. and i can actually MAKE it a home. i like it. :)

as far as other things go...things are good. i feel better, not so sick all the time. and i have lots of things to look forward to. :)

by the way, this episode of grey's is ridiculous. i can't even stand it.