21 October 2009

i know....i know....

i know. i havent posted her 6 month newsletter. at this rate, i'm wondering if i should even bother and just do a 6/7month one. haha. :)
things are busy! lots of changes going on! i will post some pics at the least.
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05 October 2009

a little celtic action

Last weekend, Justin, Avonlea, Sarah and a multitude of other friends and family went to the Celtic Festival in Hartford. We drank yummy beers, ate warm kettle corn, listened to diggery doos and bagpipes, and had a great day out in the brisk autumn air. The day was perfect. Here are some pics. :)

a sneaky smile

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silly hat

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mommy's snack

i snack on delicious fingers as avonlea snacks. :)
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a little family

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i <3 symmetry.
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