20 May 2012

Dog Days of Summer

Avonlea and I took the pups to the dog park today for a little picnic. The juggling of two dogs and a toddler was a bit much for this mama.  So we picnicked under the trees, away from the other mamas and the other babies who giving this mama the stink-eye. It still was a perfect day....perfect company, perfect breeze, perfect moment for dancing in the sunshine. 

My three pups.

I forgot to edit these before the posting.  ignore the poor lighting...:)

She might be better than me....

just sayin'....

My little gnome

I've got a thing for garden gnomes these days....

17 May 2012

Flower Girls

 It was a pretty little sunset. And my girl requested that we go take pictures of flowers. 
Her mama's daughter. 


There is nothing more delicious than her curls tumbling over her pretty shoulders...

 it never gets old. :)

 A mushroom for a gnome...

we hope you enjoyed your sunset tonight...