01 April 2009

april fools!

last night was my last shift at work for a loooooong time! let me tell you, it felt very strange driving away knowing that i won't be there for many weeks. it seems like an eternity! but it also felt amazing. i needed a "vacation" from that place!
in other news, today is my last day of being a non-mommy. ever. it's weird knowing that your whole world is going to get turned upside down in a few short hours, and amazing at the same time. driving home last night, i kept thinking of how in the past, before major life changing events, i would stay up all night thinking about what was happening, how my life would be different. the night before i left for college....the night before graduation....before my wedding....when i got that little plus sign and had to go home and tell my husband.... i knew that last night i wouldn't be able to stay up all night and quietly reflect. momma needed to get some sleep!! and good thing i did!
i woke up with the MOTHER LOAD of all contractions! i thought i got slammed with a mack truck! so thaaaaaaaaaat's what all those other mommies were talking about!!! i mean, i've had contractions that stopped me in my tracks, but not like these!! holy crap! if labor is like that for hours on end, i want nothing to do with it! lol anywhoo, what i'm getting at is that i bet this will be an April Fools baby indeed! if not early April 2nd....i don't think there is any way she is waiting for my induction at 11am tomorrow!
so, in an effort to actually HAVE my last non-mommy day, i am going to get my bum off this computer, go take a looooong, hot shower, get myself pretty, and start my day. J is at work, my mom is on call, and my uterus is as active as a vegas showgirl! i hope i make it to my fancy dinner reservations tonight! but, it will be just fine if i don't. :)
please don't call in the next 48 hours, i prooooooooooomise i will keep people updated via text/FB/blog updates as to what's going on, if anything!

happy april fools day!!!


  1. Yay!! Can't wait to hear she's made her grand entrance. Miss you!

  2. WOO HOO!! Keep us posted!!! Can't wait to see her beautiful face! love you all! Jen

  3. Yay!!!! BEST OF LUCK!!!!! Welcome Avonlea:). Love you!!
