03 April 2009

Meet Avonlea Scarlett!

Meet Ms. Avonlea Scarlett. She was born April 2, 2009 at 11:54pm. She weighs 5lbs 12oz and measured 19 inches long. She came into the world calm and looking around, checking everyone out. There will be many more postings and pictures to come, but I wanted to post just one adorable picture. :)
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  1. Gorgeous! So glad I thought to check your blog!!! YAYYYYY! She's precious and I swear she has your eyes. You must be so thrilled to finally have her in your arms!

  2. Congrats! She's beautiful! I look forward to more pictures!

  3. She's adorable! Congratulations to you and Justin:). You will both be amazing parents- Avonlea is one lucky little princess!

    I still cannot believe you're a mom!!!! And to such a sweet little girl! I can't wait to meet her.

  4. She is SO beautiful! Its so nice to see her beyond the small screen of my phone! Enjoy every minute :)

    Love you all!

  5. She is so adorable! Congratulations! I was out of town so I am just getting to see the pictures now, love them! -Jessica
