24 May 2010

Birthday Bliss

I know. It's been an ungodly amount of time. I just couldn't pull my head out of my bum to post. and then i started getting all this anxiety about how i haven't posted in 10 years. so, i'm gonna do some drive-by posts in pictures to get us all caught up and back to the present day!!

We had a little party for the birthday girl....(way back in april)....

Lots of balloons...lots of friends....lots of food...and lots of presents....what more could we ask for?

I think this is the most sugar she's ever had in her life! She actually made a dent in that cake!!

All pooped out....she slept like a rock that night!

It was a busy, but love filled day. Thank you to everyone who came, helped us set up and break down the party, ate all the wonderful food cooked by my MIL and husband, and brought wonderful gifts for Avonlea to love!!

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