11 February 2009

i know what you're thinking....
i had 7 days off and didn't post once??? well, i had.....things....to do? eh. not really. i spent this mini-vacation galavanting with my friend amy and the girls, sewing, being stressed out, and going to doctors.
so i will fill you in:

1. sewing: amy taught me how to use a sewing machine. and we have been making flannel baby wipes (yes, i said baby wipes- as in tushy wipes) for avonlea's adorable heiney. we have decided to cloth diaper using mainly BumGenius diapers and are soooo excited that justin's grandmother is buying a majority of the diapers for us as a gift! i know that to the unknowing cloth diapering seems like a lot of hassle, (and it might be too much for us to handle) but we are gonna give it a whirl. if it doesn't work out, we will switch to disposables, and probably feel that twinge of guilt every time we have to empty the diaper pail. :)

2. being stressed out: let's see...besides the fact that we are having the baby in 8 weeks, justin is having job issues (to put it lightly), is doing his BEST portfolio for the state of CT (part of being a teacher, i guess), and has been very absent while he tries to get it all done before the baby arrives. which is stressful anyway, but uber stressful when you are 8 months pregnant and just want your husband present with you as much as possible. especially since it's going to be a looooong time before you are ever alone together again. i just miss him i guess.
Also, the application for this years NELRP (nursing education loan repayment program) came out, giving me 3 weeks to complete it. when i have absolutely nothing ready. and this application gives me paralyzing anxiety, since i have been denied already for it. i hate doing it. and i can't even think about it....i am getting anxious already!!! aah!

3. going to doctors: since i am getting so close to baby-time, i have to go to the OB every two weeks. on top of going to my general surgeon every 4 weeks, AND my cardiologist. so, i'm kind of going all the time now. and in a few weeks, i have to start going to the OB every WEEK! who has time for that?? when i went to the cardiologist on wednesday, after telling him about a small problem i was having, he decided to put me on a heart monitor. for a month. (ugh!) which would be fine if i wasn't allergic to the adhesives and metal found in the leads. so, let's just say this is going to be a very itchy month, and i already feel like i am crawling out of my skin. :(
but, besides that, everything is good. my belly is measuring fine, the baby's growing and her heart rate is normal. and, despite the ridiculous amount of junk food i have been consuming, i didn't gain any weight. i am, however, VERY anemic, and they are very concerned, so i had to add some iron pills. if it doesnt come up by the time i go back to the MD in 2 weeks (for my last ultrasound!) they mentioned something about a transfusion. can i just have a normal anything health related in my life? the answer is no. obviously.
so, iron it is, with all the other crappy stuff they have me on. maybe that's why i am so tired this week. i have no blood! :)

in other news, i am scheduling a professional photography shoot today, and can't wait to see what she can do! i will keep you updated on that. and, our rocking chair came in! so, me and a friend are going to go see if it will fit in the jeep! i can't wait to get it in the room! then i can REALLY finish the nursery! :-D yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


  1. wow I don't even get a shout out and we had our nails done together...

  2. Eh, cloth diapers are a lot easier than most people think. Just think about it, there will never be any late-night trips to CVS to buy diapers because you ran out. Just pop a few in the washer and you'll be good to go. ;)

    You know that I can go on and on about cloth diapers but I won't. :P I think I have a strange obsession with them. I just can't resist a fluffy cloth diapered baby butt. Too cute! (And when Avonlea is learning to walk, it'll be like built-in padding when she falls!)

  3. Amy TOTALLY sold me on cloth diapers:).
