24 February 2009


Today we had our *final* ultrasound. Avonlea is measuring quite small and is transverse breech, the rarest of all fetal positions! she is laying horizontally across my belly with her feet pointing down, which explains why my cervix feels like it went head to head in a boxing match with mike tyson. therefore, we will need another ultrasound in 2 weeks. i'm not worried, she is small (4lbs 2oz or so when she should be 4lbs 13oz) and has plenty of time to flip herself around.
i gained too much weight and got reprimanded by the APRN. :( Noooo more ice cream for me. :( now, knowing my issues with this weight gain, i would just like to share a little story that JUST happened.
Justin and I are laying on the couch. and he looks at me, smiles, and says....
"i love you! you are a porpoise!"

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!?! way to go, honey. way to go.

as i type this, he is very upset that i am raking him over the coals in print. he would like to add "but porpoises are the SMALLEST of all whales!"

in his defense, he did preempt the porpoise comment with "honey, if you were a porpoise and you were trapped in a frozen river, i would break the ice so you could get a breath." which was sweet until he called me a whale. lol.

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