11 August 2009

4 month newsletter

You are now 4 months old. At your 4 month check-up, you were 11 pounds 4 ounces and 22.5 inches long, still very petite for your age. You are still in your Newborn and 0-3 month clothing, and will not outgrow them for quite some time, as most of them are still baggy on your little body. I can count 5 mini chub rolls on your legs, and I can’t wait until they get meatier and I can really take a good nibble out of them. Your eyelashes are even longer now, and “Auntie” Amy thinks that I put mascara on them before I bring you over….Maybe it’s Maybelline. This month, we can’t get you to stop talking if we tried. You are very verbal, and everyone seems to think that you are going to learn to talk very early, as you watch our mouths very closely and respond back to us with like-sounded coos. You drool like no other baby that I have ever seen, and if I had a dollar for every person that told me you were teething, I could send you to an Ivy League school! Alas, I can see the teeth beneath your pink gums, but none have cut through yet. You giggle and laugh at your Daddy and me, especially when he blows raspberries on your belly before bed, and when I tickle your neck with my fingers. Sometimes you chuckle at us for no reason at all.
Last month, you would just barely pick up your toys if we placed them in your hands, but this month you dive for them, first grabbing them with one hand, and now with two. One day this week, you woke up and realized that your two hands were connected to the same body. You clenched them together, looking at them as though you had never seen hands before, and you have used them in conjunction with each other ever since, mainly to bring toys to your drooly mouth, or pulling our faces in for slobbery kisses.
You have grown into quite the independent lady (thank god!), and we can put you down for long stretches of time. You LOVE your excersaucer, diving forward to play with the toys attached to it, and Daddy configures crazy dangling toy-setups from the arches along the top of it for you to enjoy. When we first broke out this insane little baby-entertainer, your little feet didn’t even touch the ground, but now your tippy toes can reach! You also LOVE your doorway jumper, and prefer to swing in it, swirling around and around depending on where we are in the house. More recently, you have begun to bounce, and love it! You spend most of your awake time in these toys, giving us time to get things done around here!
This month, Daddy and I went away for a night, leaving you with Auntie Sarah while we went to a wedding in NY. With two instructions in mind, 1. Feed baby every three hours and 2. Put baby down for nap after she’s been up for 1.5 hrs, we left. It was a great break for us, and Sarah had a great time with you without any problems. You watched Grease, went for walks, took lots of naps, and played until you were pooped. A week later, Daddy left for a mini-vacation to Pittsburgh where you and I had a blast visiting friends, shopping, and catching up on much needed mommy-baby time.
These mini-vacations were a much needed break from the sadness that we had all been through earlier this month. Anyone who knew our Babci knew that love was the center of her world. She had a surreal capacity for loving all things: animals, family, friends, knick-knacks and children. You were one of her favorite people on earth, and as soon as she set her blue eyes upon you, she needed to hold you and surround you in her love. She had a long and beautiful life full of just that, and left this great earth on her own terms, in her own way, sending us all off with her own advice on how to bring more and more love into our lives.
There are no words for the magnitude of how much she will be missed. But, I know that our Babci-doodle is up there, dancing with Dzidzia in her pretty blue gown and watching over us all. We promise that you will grow up surrounded in her love, as she would have wanted. We promise to always love you, a bushel and a peck….a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck.

We love you, baby girl!

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