21 August 2009

i'll have a roll....with butter please!

So, i was just looking through some facebook pictures that i posted of avonlea and i have to say.....


whenever i see her little arms or legs, i literally want to sneak my mouth down there and take a big nibble out of those sweet rolls!!! and her chubby fingers? i could just suck on them all day. and those cheeks....ah. i could go on forever!

i know it sounds weird, but i might eat my own child. she is so damn cute that it makes me giddy!

i never could have anticipated the way she makes me feel when she sees me for the first time in the morning, or if i havent seen her in a few hours....she just gives me this look and cheeky smile like she is sooo in love with me. and it literally melts me into a puddle on the floor. every time. without fail.

i bet she tastes like caramel and sweet cream. i mean, if i could really eat her.

that is all i have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it doesn't offend you that I also want to eat your child. :) Hopefully DSS isn't reading this....
