04 November 2009

6 month newsletter

Ok---so I know i'm a bit behind. Here is the 6 month newsletter that I was working on, with some pictures to come. Since I uploaded new photo software, it wont let me post pictures INTO my blogs anymore OR post more than one edited photo into the same blog. i have spent a great deal of time kicking and screaming. so here is the newsletter, and here are the pictures to follow it up.

Today you are 6 months old! Half of a year has gone by! I can hardly believe it! You weigh about 13lbs, and have grown so long that we have needed to go up two notches on your excersaucer to keep you bouncing on your piggy toes. Just as I had predicted, two days after I wrote your last newsletter, I woke up, and just like that you had outgrown your 0-3 month clothing. You are petite, but very long, and so we have skipped the 3-6 month genre all together, and have opted to go straight to 6 month. I know you will get much more wear out of these clothes, even though they are big on you now. While reorganizing your drawers, I was shocked to see just how much of your clothing you had never even worn, and was reminded of how wonderful our family and friends are to have kept you so well dressed. Your little face has grown up so much since your puffy newborn days, and every day I can see a glimmer of a little pig-tailed girl carefully playing with her toys. I love to watch you play, because your movements are so gentle, so deliberate, and nothing like the hurricanes of other babies with their grabby hands and flailing limbs.

Not surprising, while visiting with Amy and the girls, we determined that you could sit up by yourself, and you did so well that I had to fend off the mommy-guilt because I hadn't even attempted to sit you up on your own. You were barely rolling over, but there you were, playing with toys and laughing at Kylie from your newly seated stance. As the days went on, you got stronger and stronger, and now you can even correct yourself when you start to topple or lean too far forward when you want to munch on your toes. We are still anxiously awaiting that first tooth to break through, and I laugh every time you shove my hand in your mouth for a good, fierce noshing to help ease that teething pain. Tylenol has been your friend this month.

One of my favorite parts of this month has been seeing your bond with your Daddy. He takes amazing care of you, and it is obvious that the three months that he was home this summer were wonderful for the two of you. I love to see your reaction when he comes home in the afternoon…you get so excited, all smiles and laughs, even in the middle of the worst of meltdowns.

Not too much has happened this month, we have just been enjoying you and your emerging personality. Next month begins the flurry of the holidays, and we cant wait for trick-or-treating and beginning new traditions.

Here’s to you, little peanut.

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