16 November 2009

7 month newsletter: abbreviated

ok. so i haven't gotten around to this month either. here is what's going on with the peanut, in abbreviated form.

awesome at sitting up
started getting on all fours and scootching around but not quite crawling
also does that pre-crawl bouncing that looks hilarious because she's so little
is definetely on a stable schedule, sleeping most of the way through the night, with one feed squeezed in there

started some solids this month
likes:: rice cereal
butternut squash
sweet potato
avocado (of all things???)
tolerates some of those gerber puffs

dislikes:: everything else (haha)
for example...apples

we will continue to trial the dislikes. she'll get there. the look on her face when you put something in her mouth is priceless though...almost like we are trying to torture her. ha!

6 month shots went fine. i caved and we all got the H1N1 vaccine after i took care of a sick-as-shit little one at work with it. enough to scare the bejesus out of a new mommy.

spending lots of time with grandparents and aunties. loves lunch dates and play dates with amy & the girls.

i think that's it for now. i promise her 8 month newsletter will be a real one!
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