26 November 2009

A Giving of Thanks

I am thankful.
For this home that becomes a little more like home every day.
For this job that keeps me on my toes, and keeps me humble.
For this amazing family network that I have and have married into, who love unconditionally and provide when there is need.
For warm food and cold drinks, like punkin pie and iced chai tea.
For friends who have made me who I am in one way or another.
For my ever-loving, if not sometimes frisky, kitties.
For my sister, who keeps me laughing, keeps me from crying, and keeps me sane, among a trillion other things.
For this past year, which has been hard and amazingly satisfying all rolled up into one package.

But most of all...

I am thankful for this child, who takes my breath away every day, and who makes me become a better person so that I can, someday, make her proud of her mommy.
And I am thankful for this man, this love, which is just beyond all of the words on this page.

I am so so so so thankful.


  1. Tearing up...
    nice post.

    I'm thankful you "saving babies" on October 10th. And just happened to be visiting our baby's room, offering friendship and support when he started having seizures... and you helped us do what we needed to do to take care of him...

    Oh, and also I"m thankful for your amazing sister who was packing up my booze (and other prized possessions) on that very same day!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I love that you're thankful for me...but below the kitties. glad to know where I rank in this family!!

    And yes Tracy I packed up the booze and JB's room...aka the most important possessions in the home...
