06 May 2009

let's do the time warp again....

I know it's been awhile since you have seen an actual TEXT posting, but that is because taking care of a newborn is ridiculously busy. i know....how can it be THAT busy?? but seriously....it is! sometimes i look up and it's dinner time suddenly- where did the whole day go?? being a new mother is like being in a time warp!

the past few weeks have been full of wonderful visitors bearing gifts, food (cupcakes-YUM! ;) ) and advice. with the help of some friends to watch avonlea, i got to get my hair done- which i needed sooo badly! i have made a few trips to various stores, mainly target or the grocery store, and one trip to the mall. (where i was mauled by old people and their "coochey coochey coos")

so...let's get to the nitty gritty. here are some random facts about being a new mom....

1. i used to kinda, sorta (sorry!) make fun of my friend amy (in my head) for telling me that she was soooo busy with her newborn that she couldn't shower. i remember thinking "WHAT?? put the baby DOWN, let her CRY, and BATHE forchristssake!". However.....it just isn't that simple. what has suprised me the most about being a mom is how that cry affects you.
there is a terrible, gut-wrenching, soul-eating effect on you when your baby is screaming her head off. (and especially when she gets so upset that her cry becomes almost inaudible from all of the gasping/choking---ugh! i can't even THINK about it without my stomach turning!). i can ignore every other child on the planet, but MY GOD, i can't just let her cry like that! it feels like my heart is ripping out! and i'm a PICU nurse! i deal with screaming children all the time! (ie: when they aren't intubated or sedated) it is just so different! i was shocked at how she affected me so viscerally.
so, i'm sorry i didn't understand, amy. we can be stinky together. :)

2. breastfeeding is HARD! babies REALLY should come out of the womb with this prior knowledge. can't they take a class or something?? it's insane! i spend most of the day battling with her over my nipples! it's ridiculous!

3. so far, it has been IMPOSSIBLE for me to get ready, get baby ready and get out of the house in under 2 hours time. i was impressed with that day it took two hours though! i was awesome and very proud of myself!

i'm sure i will think of more....but it's already time for another feeding! where did the past 3 hours goooo???


  1. Wow its cool to hear that perspective. Even as an Auntie I have a hard time letting babies cry (depending on my mood and their other recent behavior)... but its interesting to hear you explain just how different it is as a Mom.

    Glad to hear things are going well. Avonlea is more beautiful each time you post pictures!!!

  2. Hahaha, who's the smelly one now?

    Well, I guess I am still the smelly one, but at least I'm not alone anymore.

    Welcome to the club, Mommy!
