09 May 2009

why is it that....

whenever people see justin holding the baby, they smile and say (in a ridiculous voice) "awwww.....what a good daddy!" it's almost as though they don't expect him to even be HOLDING her....i mean....does holding the baby make him a good daddy? i find it bizzare.

why is it that certain family members of ours ooh and aah over the baby....how beautiful she is....how quiet she is....what a "good baby" she is....and then tell us that we "did a good job". hate to burst your bubble....but we have NOTHING to do with any of that. and why is it that we define good little girls as beautiful and quiet....still?

while we're on things that drive me crazy...here's one more, and then i'll stop, i promise. i cannot tell you how many people have told me that i need to "break her in" and let her "cry it out" in her crib when she begins to cry. she is a NEWBORN, people! my ONLY job in this universe is to make her feel secure, loved, warm, clean, and fed. she doesn't understand what "crying it out" is....she only knows that mommy or daddy isn't coming to rescue her. she isn't crying without reason...we just have to figure out what she needs, and love her up! you cannot SPOIL a baby with too much LOVE. i'm sorry, but it just isn't possible.

alright. now that that is off my chest---don't send me hate comments! i recognize that there are many different ways of parenting, but some of it needs to be common sense!

alright---with that in mind, i am off to celebrate my first mother's day. who knows what today could bring--hopefully a little sunshine!
have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. One of Greg's family members told me (when Cailin was barely 3 months old) that I "can't protect her forever." What?!?! Really? Actually, I think I am SUPPOSED to protect my child, especially at 3 months old. I still can't believe this person said that AND meant it.

    Apparently we are terrible mothers. We don't let our children cry-it-out, we don't give them bottles of water or plates full of chocolate, and we try to keep them clean, fed, and happy. How are they going to function in society if they have such a warped sense of reality and what the world is really like?

    Someone should call DCF on us.

    :P Done now.
