19 June 2010

sum sum summatime!!

While Mommy slept off work today, Daddy and Grandpa took Avonlea out to play with H2Otis...her new sprinkler friend. (thanks Drina!)
She loved every second of it. God, I miss being a kid and running through sprinklers on the warmest of summer days!

(all photos are courtesy of J....who gets better at shooting every time he picks up my camera! I wish I had his natural talent!)

We are off to Martha's Vineyard for a week. In the meantime, I am missing lots of friend oriented activities, which makes me very very sad. Please know that I wish I could be there, and will be thinking of you all on your special days!

Don't get me wrong...I am super excited to be heading out to my husband's favorite place on the planet. Also, if I have to hear him mention clamming and eating lobsters one more time....

So, off to the vineyard! Where I am bringing ALL of my camera lenses/supplies. I can't wait to show you MV as I see it!!! MUAH!

1 comment:

  1. miss you from across the world:). have fun on mv. wish i could go with you:). take lots of photos. i love these summer ones of A. oh, and buy a bike basket:). totally worth the $$.


