08 March 2010

bottoms up!

A funny story to share:

In an effort to do a mad dash out the door today to meet my friend Blair for lunch, I put the babe in the playroom while I showered, hoping to distract her long enough for me to get ready for our luncheon. However, that did not happen according to plan.

Like most women, I have a shower ritual. It goes like this:
1. shampoo hair
2. shave
3. apply conditioner
4. wash body
5. rinse conditioner
6. wash face
7. crouch in hot shower a la The Crying Game.

just kidding about that last part.

So, between step 1 and 2, I hear Avonlea crying. I reassure. She continues to cry. I continue to reassure.
Still....crying. So, I peek my head out, I do not see her from the shower, and notice that her cries are actually muffled.
So, I finish my shower while she cries her muffled cries, getting louder and more hysterical as I hurry along.
And as our wet, sexy, dashingly beautiful heroine (i.e:: me) dashes out around the bathroom door, there she is.

Face first, bottoms up, into a bin of toys. Like, legs waving in the air, screaming her little head off.

I did what any mother would do.

I burst out laughing. Contemplated grabbing my Canon, felt too bad about making her wait any longer, and plucked her out of the bin. Her face was covered in snot, and her hair was wet from her tears streaming down her upside down face.

And, because she was so hysterical by that point, it was impossible to put her down without her screaming, making us 25 minutes late for delicious beet salad and window shopping.

Damnit. I wish I grabbed my camera. That photo would have been amazing.


  1. LOVE IT! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Definitely laughed out loud on that one :) I might be coming home a couple of times in the near future. Will let you know. Can't believe she's already started walking!
