17 March 2010

the nose knows

so today, as i am feeding the babe lunch, and trying desperately to get some kind...ANY KIND...of nourishment into her little body that doesn't involve the word cracker in it, i quiz her.

"avonlea...where is your nose?"

she stares at me blankly, even cocking her head like puppies do to funny sounds, eyebrows up, her blank stare turning into a puzzled expression.

i turn to the sink to start the dishes. and then i hear, "HEY!" in her little baby voice.

I turn around.

And there she is, huge gummy smile, with her little finger pointed on the side of her nose.

*mouth drop*

seriously??? my kid is a genius!

it's nice to see that i'm doing something right.

1 comment:

  1. lol! never did i think that a story would be able to top the 'bottom's up' one, but this one just has:). what a brilliant little munchkin! :) she's such a little smartie.

    i hope march is going a little better for you:(.

