04 March 2010

these boots were made for walkin....

this video was taken with my phone, so it is grainy and terrible. but, enjoy the frankensteinian walking! it's her preferred method of getting around these days. ;)


  1. oh. my. god. she. is. the. most. adorable. thing. in. the. world.

  2. oh, and since we're blog-swapping, here's one for you, if you like following renovations. this girl is also really funny. i actually went back one night when i was having a lazy evening and read every single posting (oh, wow, that's pretty bad:)). but her style is fabulous and she inserts funny little comments along the way:


    xoxo:) B

  3. i started folioing her after i saw you were. ;) hahahahahahaha i love it!!!

  4. yay! it's like a full-time following all of these blogs. i don't know how i get any work done. oh, wait.... i don't.;)
