29 March 2010

little ditty

i found this little song today.
today, my non-mommy day.
where i did household things, got my oil changed, did some vacation clothes shopping, and enjoyed being a non-mommy for an afternoon.

and while hearing this song, i realized that although this is a love song, it pertains more so to being a mommy. that no matter where she is...i am always thinking of her....

"i feel you in the pocket of my overcoat
my fingers wrap around your words
they take shape of games we play

thoughts of you
warm my bones
i'm on the way, i'm on the phone
let's get lost, me and you
an ocean and a rock
is nothing to me

i keep you in the pocket of my dresses
and the bristles of my brushes
spin you into my curls today
i spoon you into my coffee cup
spin you through a delicate wash
i wear you all day"

my non-mommy days will always be mommy days.
it's almost been a year...this mommy-madness. today i go back, 360 days ago, to the anticipation in my round belly and of all the magic it would bring us.

oh to do it over again!

so, to my non-mommy friends...enjoy your non-mommy days. because once that baby comes....every day is a mommy day, no matter where she is.

listen to the little ditty here.

:) have a good day! (mommy or non-mommy)

1 comment:

  1. cute little ditty! how did you find this??? glad to hear your non-mommy (or mommy) day went well:). I will take your advice to heart and love every minute of my non-mommy time, though I can't wait to see what the mommy time brings:).

    Happy almost b-day, little a!!

