27 October 2008

hysterical pregnancy part 2

yesterday morning, i got out of bed (as per usual these days) to put an end to the feeling of my bladder splitting open from the pressure.

as i get back in bed, J says to me, in a very excited tone of voice and a big cheesy grin, of which i still can't understand...

"honey!!! your butt is getting roundy-er!!!"


"what?!?!?! what do you MEAN my butt is getting ROUNDY-ER??"

i look at him incredulously, wide eyes blinking hard, mouth gaping...

panic strikes....
"i mean....honey....i LOVE it when you have a roundy butt! i missed your roundy butt!! maybe your butt is absorbing roundy-ness from your thighs....i mean.....i didn't mean that....oh....shit."



i'm never getting out of bed again.

24 October 2008

a hysterical pregnancy?

this post goes out to my favorite blog stalkers....you know who you are.

sista friend has told me of your incredulous response to me feeling nugget movement. i would just like to clarify that i am 18 weeks tomorrow. she got it wrong.

i had been feeling nugget movement since about 13 1/2 weeks, but didnt believe that was what it was until a week later. at this exact moment in time, it is bouncing off my uterus like a cheerleader on pop rocks and red bull.

also, i would like you to know about my first official pregnancy-induced hysterical breakdown.

let me set the scene:

i was starving.
all i wanted was tortellini with this delicious left-over marinara sauce from Joey Garlic's in Bristol (amazing restaurant if you haven't visited it yet). upon getting out of work, i call my darling husband and ask him to make me dinner. i was so hungry that i swear nugget was gnawing at my insides. as i am pulling the delicious sauce out of the refridgerator, it slips from my fingers and splatters all over me, my pants, my feet, and the freshly washed kitchen floor.

i immediatly burst into hysterical tears and justin had to come out to clean me up, take off my pants, and find me new marinara. yes, i know it was ridiculous behavior, but J scolding me for thus previously stated ridiculous behavior was not helpful and was completely unnecessary.

i think that i am entitled to occasional ridiculous behavior when i am carrying his cheerleader of a fetus.

i'm suprised we've made it this far without me breaking down like tammy faye.

23 October 2008

sleepy veil

if i had blogged earlier today, i would have posted that i think that i have emerged from my baby-induced constant state of exhaustion and sleepiness. i didnt require 20 hours of sleep a day anymore....i was functioning better....my "placenta brain" had seemed to lessen and i could remember small tasks that i had wanted to do....

and then, as i was studying tonight for a PALS (pediatric advanced life support) recertification class, i feel dead asleep. not just "wow, i'm so bored, i can't keep my eyes open" kind of sleep. dead asleep. snoring asleep.

the only thing of any value that i got accomplished today was waking up in time for the 11am appointment for the tv repair man. and i went out for lunch.

as i type, i slowly feel the veil of exhaustion clouding over my brain.


when does this part end?

22 October 2008

the other day i had to go to the store for the unimaginable...the unthinkable.....

i had to buy maternity clothes.

it was slightly depressing, as i have been working SO very hard to fit into smaller clothes now for the past 2 years, going "up" a size was difficult for me to do.
thankfully my sista friend was there to help and remind me that it's ok when there is a baby in the belly.
so, i went to Old Navy and got a cute pair of maternity jeans (sarah is jealous that there are jeans with stretchy waists and wants to buy some too) and two very cute sweaters.

so now i can actually sit in my jeans without having to unbutton them, and i can keep warm during these cold Connecticut days!

when i actually get a noticable baby belly (noticable other than to me and J), I will post a pic. :)

and the beat goes on....

a patient of mine recently died. after her death, our bereavement committee called in a program called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS), which is basically a photography donation program. Local photographers come in and donate their time to these grieving families and take family portraits and professional photographs of the baby. I know what you're thinking...

"Gross...who would want to see a dead baby?"

But, for many of these families, the only photos that they have are of their sick child covered in tubes and wires. This program gives them a beautiful gift (free of charge), and allows them their first (and last) family portraits, stunningly retouched.

so, after checking out their website, (stupid thing to do at work, i know!), i starting realizing that most of those little nuggets were born prematurely, or with undetected birth defects.

let's just say i went into overdrive. and i might have had a little meltdown. those mommies were told everything was fine, and they could feel their little nugget moving around inside of them just fine.

so, on saturday, i noticed that i hadn't felt my little nugget move. or sunday. or monday. so i had another little freak out, and had another nurse try to find its heartbeat at work last night with a special machine called a doppler.

it took us awhile, but we found it. beating strongly and the baby was swooshing around in there. now i can relax again, for a little bit anyway.
of course, now the baby is bouncing all over the place again, as if to say "you doubted me??" Maybe it was just a little sleepy for a few days?

anyway, that's my story. Only 3 more weeks til we know if we can pick our boy name or our girl name! :)

19 October 2008

sarah zips up. brrr.
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PICU Harvest Party

Me and a few other people organized a PICU Harvest Party for the unit, and here are some photos to prove that we had a fun time.
There were corn mazes, snacks, punkins, race cars, and a whole lotta kids there. :)
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09 October 2008

the nugget.

so, now that a majority of the people in my life know, i might as well spill the beans.

i'm pregnant.

i am 15 weeks along. yes, we're finding out what it is. we find out November 13th. we will NOT be finding out earlier than that. so don't ask. and don't rub my belly. it's not a baby belly, it's just my fat roll. and while we're at it....absolutely do NOT, under ANY circumstances remind me of how i "better get my sleep now because once that baby comes i won't be getting any!"

if i hear that one more time i might stab someone.

if you are finding out the good news from this blog, i'm sorry. there really just isnt any way for me to tell eeeeeeeveryone and thus must rely on extraneous measures. hence, the blog.

we found out the day before we went to see the house, and the next day bought the house. it's been a busy 3 months, but a good 3 months.

now i can keep people updated on baby-type things. :-D

i will post soon with other FAQs.

07 October 2008

is your refridgerator running???

because mine isn't.

it hasn't been since we moved in.

Sears finally got off their lazy asses and came out to fix it.

instead of fixing it, they told us it was dead.

now we have to buy a new fridge.
we have no money.
therefore, we won't have a fridge, i have decided.
the end.

01 October 2008

sleepy merlin

Merlin was helping me pack. and he looked exactly how i felt at that time. so i snapped some pics. :)
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