24 October 2008

a hysterical pregnancy?

this post goes out to my favorite blog stalkers....you know who you are.

sista friend has told me of your incredulous response to me feeling nugget movement. i would just like to clarify that i am 18 weeks tomorrow. she got it wrong.

i had been feeling nugget movement since about 13 1/2 weeks, but didnt believe that was what it was until a week later. at this exact moment in time, it is bouncing off my uterus like a cheerleader on pop rocks and red bull.

also, i would like you to know about my first official pregnancy-induced hysterical breakdown.

let me set the scene:

i was starving.
all i wanted was tortellini with this delicious left-over marinara sauce from Joey Garlic's in Bristol (amazing restaurant if you haven't visited it yet). upon getting out of work, i call my darling husband and ask him to make me dinner. i was so hungry that i swear nugget was gnawing at my insides. as i am pulling the delicious sauce out of the refridgerator, it slips from my fingers and splatters all over me, my pants, my feet, and the freshly washed kitchen floor.

i immediatly burst into hysterical tears and justin had to come out to clean me up, take off my pants, and find me new marinara. yes, i know it was ridiculous behavior, but J scolding me for thus previously stated ridiculous behavior was not helpful and was completely unnecessary.

i think that i am entitled to occasional ridiculous behavior when i am carrying his cheerleader of a fetus.

i'm suprised we've made it this far without me breaking down like tammy faye.


  1. 1. Feeling your baby move this early is so exciting! but kind of freaky.

    2. That whole scene seems about exactly right. Except in our case Tracy would have been totally calm (and pregnant) and I (not pregnant) would be crying hysterically.

  2. it is freaky. and it doesnt feel like "kicking" per say...
    you know when you are walking in a crowd, and people keep bumping into you left and right? that's kind of what it feels like right now. during the last ultrasound, i saw that it was actually head butting me.
    which only makes me nervous for future cheerleading practice sessions when the baby is larger than 4 oz.

    apparently, i am still not over last night's marinara fiasco. i am very very grumpy today. :-/

  3. unfortunately as I was reading this post I knew exactly what was going to happen. not because you told me, but I can picture you doing that and then throwing a complete fit. god bless justin. how did our parents raise 2 completely opposite people????

  4. when your estrogen levels are larger than life, i would like to see you NOT have a few breakdowns! i am doing rather well, i would say.

    being pregnant is so overrated.
