31 March 2009

the number of the day is.....

because that's how many centimeters i am dilated. :-D
and, 70% effaced! also a fabulous number. i have been having contractions all day, and am timing them between 15-20 minutes apart. i am hoping ms. avonlea makes her appearance soon! but not too soon....i didn't get any sleep last night, and i now have a whopping cold, so i need a break and need to sleep tonight!
if i had to take a wager, i would say we are going to have an april fool's baby on our hands!

i will keep the updates coming!

25 March 2009


quick update that i will ellaborate on later....

at the MD today, i wasnt dilated at all and only 50% effaced (meaning that my cervix is only half way as thin as it should be) which is very frustrating.

she isnt coming any time soon. i'm disappointed and grumpy, in addition to being ridiculously sore from all the walking i've been doing trying to get things moving. plus, it was an aggressive exam, and my cervix is really sore now too.

and i have to go to work tonight. and all i want to do is sleep because now i'm getting sick. :( this sucks.

23 March 2009

the results are in!

ok. so. this is my story in a nutshell.

avonlea is small. pint sized. 5ish lbs. and my placenta is "very mature" and calcifying. she has good blood flow to her, but for whatever reason she isnt getting enough nutrients to grow bigger, and is in fact, possibly losing weight.
so, this means that she is indeed being diagnosed IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). therefore, i conclude, that after my appointment tomorrow afternoon, that my OB will probably schedule me to be induced sometime this week. but i will know more tomorrow after my appointment. so, stay tuned. it looks like i'll be having a baby later this week.

38 week pic and a fall....

so here is my 38 week pic. why do i look less pregnant than in the last picture, you ask?
well, friends, that is because i have "dropped". meaning that the baby is now "engaged" in my pelvis and is getting ready for the big show.

in layman's terms: my pelvis feels like it's being split in two pretty much all of the time. but, i am one step closer to getting this nugget out of my body. :)

funny/not-so-funny story:
last night we went to meet friends for dinner at a local restaurant. it was 50 degrees out, i was wearing flip flops as putting shoes on these days is SO overrated! well, i was walking up to the front door of the restaurant to put my name in for us, and wound up stumbling. so, i don't know if you've ever seen a pregnant woman fall, but let me tell you, they go down like a sack of potatoes! and although justin is fabulous at the knife/fork reenactment of me and him and my tumble, i can't really tell you what happened. what i do know is that i wound up whacking my head 4-5 times on the side of the restaurant before falling forward on my arms, rolling to try to not fall on the belly, and whacking my head again on the concrete a couple more times. i think i only got my belly a little bit, but my head didn't get saved at ALL. i guess that's what happened when you have no center of gravity anymore. :( what might be the worst part, is that a lady walked out of the restaurant as i am laying dazed, confused and crying on the ground and stepped over me, not even asking me if i was ok. ??? REALLY??? i mean....REALLLLY????
needless to say, i took it easy the rest of the night, and fell asleep as soon as i got home. (didn't tell my mom that though! she would have taken me to the hospital thinking i had a concussion!) and here i am today. embarassed and achey.

in other news, i have that Level II ultrasound today to see if everything is ok with the nugget. our bags are packed, and i will keep people updated via text/blog/facebook if they decide to induce/c-section me today. i have a good feeling though. i think i'll be home tonight, frustrated that i don't get to hold her a few weeks early and eating a devil dog on my couch.

for future reference, if you ever see a 9 month pregnant lady fall on her head, PLEASE stop and help her! that was seriously ridiculous behavior!

18 March 2009

MD appointment today

So, i went in for a regular appointment today. at 37.5 weeks, i am not dilated or effaced at all, which is fine i guess. the level II ultrasound is on monday to check on the baby. they told me today that if anything is remotely wrong, ie: fluid levels off, size down, etc, they are going to pull her monday.
also, she wasn't moving this morning. so they did a non-stress test, which she was literally 5 seconds away from failing before she gave mommy a big kick. so, she passed, but not by much. i was sent home with strict kick count instructions (where you sit for an hour and count how many times she moves. if it's under 4 in an hour, you have to call the MD---for the nonpreggos. ;))

anyway. she better be a good baby. she's giving us a run for our money. i'm exhausted already.

back to work tonight. :( i packed a lot of protein foods for dinner to get me through the shift. :(

16 March 2009

37 week pics

here are my 37 week pictures! let the puffiness begin!! i am starting to look and feel like the staypuff marshmellow man! it's ok....only 3ish more weeks to go! i can't believe i just typed that! it seems like foreeeeeever ago that i was in the hospital and only half-baked!
i will miss my cutie belly though. :)
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growing beans

37 weeks. justin liked the oblique angle. ;)
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the weekend of baby madness

My level II US is scheduled for March 23rd. Which seems silly to me, since it's only 2 weeks away from my due date, but whatever. Apparently it's very hard to get one of these appointments, and when I called to tell them my concern, they told me that the next available date was March 30th. Um, thanks for the help there, lady.

So, let the stress and concern continue until then, I guess.

All in all, we had a great weekend. We got a TON done. Bassinet put together? Check! House cleaned? Check! All baby laundry done and put away? Check! Diapers washed and ready to go? Check! Grocery shopping? Check! new storage shelving put up? Check!
Bags are packed, carseat is assembled and waiting, changing table is assembled and set up downstairs, nursery shelving is finished and stocked with books and toys, the cars are both cleaned, gassed up and ready to go.....EVERYTHING is pretty much done. The only thing that we can do some work on is our bedroom. We picked out the paint color and if I can commission some help, maybe that will get done on Saturday, and then we can set up our room for baby. Honestly, I'm so tired that if that doesn't get done....eh. we'll have to work on it later then.

Funny story: last night we were finally all snuggled and cuddled in bed and chatting about the weekend when the hallway light turns on. We freaked out, Justin threw on my pink fleece pants and headed downstairs to check out the situation, leaving me cowering in bed, terrified!!! In the end, it turns out there wasn't anyone in the house, but the light switch was probably only "half" up so it turned on. I was still freaked out. Before all this happened, we were timing some contractions I was having since there were soooo many. It came down to about 5/hour, but they were pretty irregular, so I just went to bed. But I kept waking up with contractions in the night. So, needless to say, between contractions, ghosts, and peeing every hour and a half, I didn't get much sleep. I think it might be naptime now before work tonight.

I am kind of hoping Avonlea decides to show up right now so I don't have to go to work. I'm exhausted...

goodnight. :)

10 March 2009

36 week ultrasound

so, i went in for my follow up ultrasound today to see if the baby was still transverse breech...and the smart little thing turned! i knew that she had flipped based on the insane gymnastics that was going on in my belly the night before, she knew just to flip right before the ultrasound! smarty pants! she is still very small, her head and belly are only in the 5th percentile for size, and so to rule out "Small for Gestational Age (SGA) vs Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)", i have to go to get a Level II ultrasound this week. They need to make sure that nothing is wrong with the placenta or the blood vessels supplying the baby. So, while i am mildly worried, i am just convinced that she is just an itty bitty thing. i was only 4lbs 15 oz, and my sister was only 6lbs 6oz, so smaller babies are in my blood. i am trying not to think too much about it all. i'm sure everything is just fine.
as for ultrasounds, here are the two we got today. she was sucking her thumb when we first saw her, and these are the great shots we got. i love my ultrasound tech!
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avonlea in 4D

Her face is squished up against me, that explains her piggy nose. :) she is getting chubbier though! yaaay!
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08 March 2009


nevermind. i fixed it. ;)


i dont know why this is coming up blank, but i just posted a miiiiillion pics for people to see. if you scroll down and see the menu on the left, you can individually click on them. i'll try to fix this, but i have no idea how. sorry.

36 week pictures

here is my swollen belly at 36 weeks....what what?? ;)
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justin took this pretty shot....he is better with my fancy canon than i am. :(
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4 weeks left!!

me and j- with only 4 weeks left!
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this is how much i love the nursery!!!!! it is just about done- just needs some shelves in the far left corner for baskets, toys and books, and then it is officially FINISHED!!! :) take a look!
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how cute is this piggy bank from my aunt??? :)
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my amaaaaaazing chair! it is soooo comfy!
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the clock that auntie blair got us for the shower. :)
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the artwork that jenny made avonlea above the dresser:)
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the changing table
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the coathook
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07 March 2009

it's all coming together....

did you know that women are actually pregnant for 10 months? i don't understand why they always say 9.
anyways, i am 9 months pregnant (36 weeks) and only have 4 weeks to go!!! 29 days to be exact, not that i am counting. ;)
people have started the "aren't you just so tired of being pregnant???" business, and i honestly have to say....no. as crappy as pregnancy is, i have FINALLY gotten used to it, and have FINALLY started to enjoy it a little bit. i mean, i was feeling so crappy for so long, was hospitalized, had a long recovery, and then all the stresses started for justin and i.
i have started to enjoy feeling this nugget move- although i do wish she wouldn't kick my cervix. i must say, as excited that i am to meet her, i will be a little sad that she isn't inside of me anymore, rolling around and sticking her little hands under my ribcage. ;) plus, my belly is just so darn cute!
i won't say that i am all sunshine and rainbows.... my feet are as swollen as my grandma's....it's hard to move, walk, sit, or get up from any position. sleeping is getting increasingly more difficult...rolling over in the middle of the night just ISN'T worth the energy expenditure, and so i wake up in the morning sore from laying in the exact same position all night. i've started to get terrible heartburn. and working 12 hour shifts is virtually impossible for my body to take, and i can't believe that i make it through them at this point.
thank god i am carrying so small! i can't imagine being one of those insanely huge pregnant women who look like they are having twins! i mean, if i am THIS uncomfortable when i am this small, i can't imagine the alternative.
for the most part though, despite the generalized discomfort of being 9 months pregnant, i think i'm doing pretty well.
as far as having things ready- i totally rock....the nursery is done. clothes are washed and put away. lists are made of what to pack in the hospital bags. the only thing i need to do is assemble the bassinet, get my bedroom organized, and have this thing already. we took our prenatal class today, which wasn't as painful as i anticipated, and we have *one* more ultrasound and the hospital tour next week. all in all, we're pretty ready! weird.
in 4 weeks, i'm going to have a baby. i still just can't believe it. the alien is landing, and probably sooner than we think, so it's a good thing it will have a cute, freshly washed pink onesie to wear when it gets here. ;)

baby shower

Last saturday, I was fortunate enough to have all of my family and friends join us for my baby shower! We had it at the Carousel Museum in Bristol, CT. My mom and MIL did a fabulous job, the food was delish, the scenery cheerful and beautiful, the table settings were fabulous, and the cheesecakes to DIE for. The gifts were INSANE! We got EVERYTHING we could ever need for Avonlea and MORE! Justin and I were so incredibly grateful, and we felt so blessed to have so many people coming to wish us well!
After the shower, we went back to our house with some family and friends and hung out for a bit, ate some tasty burgers, and crashed hardcore! The next day we got to go through everything, washed baby clothes, and finished the nursery for good!! I will take some pictures in the light of day tomorrow, but it looks like a dream and I can't wait to post pictures! Please forward me any pictures that you have taken of the shower, i KNOW some of you have pics!!
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justin was uber excited about getting this pink monster toy for the baby. :)
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