16 March 2009

the weekend of baby madness

My level II US is scheduled for March 23rd. Which seems silly to me, since it's only 2 weeks away from my due date, but whatever. Apparently it's very hard to get one of these appointments, and when I called to tell them my concern, they told me that the next available date was March 30th. Um, thanks for the help there, lady.

So, let the stress and concern continue until then, I guess.

All in all, we had a great weekend. We got a TON done. Bassinet put together? Check! House cleaned? Check! All baby laundry done and put away? Check! Diapers washed and ready to go? Check! Grocery shopping? Check! new storage shelving put up? Check!
Bags are packed, carseat is assembled and waiting, changing table is assembled and set up downstairs, nursery shelving is finished and stocked with books and toys, the cars are both cleaned, gassed up and ready to go.....EVERYTHING is pretty much done. The only thing that we can do some work on is our bedroom. We picked out the paint color and if I can commission some help, maybe that will get done on Saturday, and then we can set up our room for baby. Honestly, I'm so tired that if that doesn't get done....eh. we'll have to work on it later then.

Funny story: last night we were finally all snuggled and cuddled in bed and chatting about the weekend when the hallway light turns on. We freaked out, Justin threw on my pink fleece pants and headed downstairs to check out the situation, leaving me cowering in bed, terrified!!! In the end, it turns out there wasn't anyone in the house, but the light switch was probably only "half" up so it turned on. I was still freaked out. Before all this happened, we were timing some contractions I was having since there were soooo many. It came down to about 5/hour, but they were pretty irregular, so I just went to bed. But I kept waking up with contractions in the night. So, needless to say, between contractions, ghosts, and peeing every hour and a half, I didn't get much sleep. I think it might be naptime now before work tonight.

I am kind of hoping Avonlea decides to show up right now so I don't have to go to work. I'm exhausted...

goodnight. :)

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