07 March 2009

baby shower

Last saturday, I was fortunate enough to have all of my family and friends join us for my baby shower! We had it at the Carousel Museum in Bristol, CT. My mom and MIL did a fabulous job, the food was delish, the scenery cheerful and beautiful, the table settings were fabulous, and the cheesecakes to DIE for. The gifts were INSANE! We got EVERYTHING we could ever need for Avonlea and MORE! Justin and I were so incredibly grateful, and we felt so blessed to have so many people coming to wish us well!
After the shower, we went back to our house with some family and friends and hung out for a bit, ate some tasty burgers, and crashed hardcore! The next day we got to go through everything, washed baby clothes, and finished the nursery for good!! I will take some pictures in the light of day tomorrow, but it looks like a dream and I can't wait to post pictures! Please forward me any pictures that you have taken of the shower, i KNOW some of you have pics!!
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