07 March 2009

it's all coming together....

did you know that women are actually pregnant for 10 months? i don't understand why they always say 9.
anyways, i am 9 months pregnant (36 weeks) and only have 4 weeks to go!!! 29 days to be exact, not that i am counting. ;)
people have started the "aren't you just so tired of being pregnant???" business, and i honestly have to say....no. as crappy as pregnancy is, i have FINALLY gotten used to it, and have FINALLY started to enjoy it a little bit. i mean, i was feeling so crappy for so long, was hospitalized, had a long recovery, and then all the stresses started for justin and i.
i have started to enjoy feeling this nugget move- although i do wish she wouldn't kick my cervix. i must say, as excited that i am to meet her, i will be a little sad that she isn't inside of me anymore, rolling around and sticking her little hands under my ribcage. ;) plus, my belly is just so darn cute!
i won't say that i am all sunshine and rainbows.... my feet are as swollen as my grandma's....it's hard to move, walk, sit, or get up from any position. sleeping is getting increasingly more difficult...rolling over in the middle of the night just ISN'T worth the energy expenditure, and so i wake up in the morning sore from laying in the exact same position all night. i've started to get terrible heartburn. and working 12 hour shifts is virtually impossible for my body to take, and i can't believe that i make it through them at this point.
thank god i am carrying so small! i can't imagine being one of those insanely huge pregnant women who look like they are having twins! i mean, if i am THIS uncomfortable when i am this small, i can't imagine the alternative.
for the most part though, despite the generalized discomfort of being 9 months pregnant, i think i'm doing pretty well.
as far as having things ready- i totally rock....the nursery is done. clothes are washed and put away. lists are made of what to pack in the hospital bags. the only thing i need to do is assemble the bassinet, get my bedroom organized, and have this thing already. we took our prenatal class today, which wasn't as painful as i anticipated, and we have *one* more ultrasound and the hospital tour next week. all in all, we're pretty ready! weird.
in 4 weeks, i'm going to have a baby. i still just can't believe it. the alien is landing, and probably sooner than we think, so it's a good thing it will have a cute, freshly washed pink onesie to wear when it gets here. ;)

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