23 March 2009

38 week pic and a fall....

so here is my 38 week pic. why do i look less pregnant than in the last picture, you ask?
well, friends, that is because i have "dropped". meaning that the baby is now "engaged" in my pelvis and is getting ready for the big show.

in layman's terms: my pelvis feels like it's being split in two pretty much all of the time. but, i am one step closer to getting this nugget out of my body. :)

funny/not-so-funny story:
last night we went to meet friends for dinner at a local restaurant. it was 50 degrees out, i was wearing flip flops as putting shoes on these days is SO overrated! well, i was walking up to the front door of the restaurant to put my name in for us, and wound up stumbling. so, i don't know if you've ever seen a pregnant woman fall, but let me tell you, they go down like a sack of potatoes! and although justin is fabulous at the knife/fork reenactment of me and him and my tumble, i can't really tell you what happened. what i do know is that i wound up whacking my head 4-5 times on the side of the restaurant before falling forward on my arms, rolling to try to not fall on the belly, and whacking my head again on the concrete a couple more times. i think i only got my belly a little bit, but my head didn't get saved at ALL. i guess that's what happened when you have no center of gravity anymore. :( what might be the worst part, is that a lady walked out of the restaurant as i am laying dazed, confused and crying on the ground and stepped over me, not even asking me if i was ok. ??? REALLY??? i mean....REALLLLY????
needless to say, i took it easy the rest of the night, and fell asleep as soon as i got home. (didn't tell my mom that though! she would have taken me to the hospital thinking i had a concussion!) and here i am today. embarassed and achey.

in other news, i have that Level II ultrasound today to see if everything is ok with the nugget. our bags are packed, and i will keep people updated via text/blog/facebook if they decide to induce/c-section me today. i have a good feeling though. i think i'll be home tonight, frustrated that i don't get to hold her a few weeks early and eating a devil dog on my couch.

for future reference, if you ever see a 9 month pregnant lady fall on her head, PLEASE stop and help her! that was seriously ridiculous behavior!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus H Christ! Girl- BE CAREFUL!!! I hope you're okay:(. That doesn't sound fun and you have to watch the head accidents! Not something to mess around with. Please include me in your text/ baby birth updates list. I want to find out asap:). Good luck with the Ultrasound today!!!
