10 March 2009

36 week ultrasound

so, i went in for my follow up ultrasound today to see if the baby was still transverse breech...and the smart little thing turned! i knew that she had flipped based on the insane gymnastics that was going on in my belly the night before, she knew just to flip right before the ultrasound! smarty pants! she is still very small, her head and belly are only in the 5th percentile for size, and so to rule out "Small for Gestational Age (SGA) vs Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)", i have to go to get a Level II ultrasound this week. They need to make sure that nothing is wrong with the placenta or the blood vessels supplying the baby. So, while i am mildly worried, i am just convinced that she is just an itty bitty thing. i was only 4lbs 15 oz, and my sister was only 6lbs 6oz, so smaller babies are in my blood. i am trying not to think too much about it all. i'm sure everything is just fine.
as for ultrasounds, here are the two we got today. she was sucking her thumb when we first saw her, and these are the great shots we got. i love my ultrasound tech!
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